Sunday, February 12, 2017

ISTE 3 Module Research and Information Fluency

Triggering Event
What are ways in which students can apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information?

·         Wong, W. (2014). How technology enables blended learning. EdTech Focus on K-12. Retrieved from

My Triggering Question:
·         How effective are blended PE / Health education programs in high schools?

My Reading:
·         Examples of Blended Learning in School Physical Education

Wong’s article gives us a look into a learning environment that seems too good to be true. Technology for every student and the ability to let students work when they want whenever they want seems more than what some of my kids could handle.  After working in two Title 1 schools, it is real hard to believe that something like a blended school can exist for my students. As I was reading, the first thing that came to mind is what do you do when on the internet is down and you are fighting with the silly tech problems? Are you having students take a computer class to learn core competencies and are staff learning these programs as well? When? I am all for having tech in the classroom and letting students work at their pace, but I also feel our technical dependence is equally alarming.

I found an article from “Forbs Magazine” that has done some research on blended learning in a physical education classroom. I use a PowerPoint and videos every day when I teach health. I admit to not always having the answer and the videos help my students not only find another reason to focus on learning but also hear information from someone more knowledgeable than me. What I did like was seeing how schools are incorporating local fitness centers into their everyday routine. Giving students the opportunity to train and tailor workouts that are more realistic will indeed help in creating lifelong healthy men and women. A blended classroom will look different for every course subject, but again when I think about my students and the kind of school I work at, this sort of freedom depending on their interest could gain positive results or lead to more students putting thing off until the last minute.   

My Reading II

My Reflection:
Looking for another article to decide on if my feeling of integrated learning in Health and PE could be answered with more information other than incorporating apps and fit bits, but my answer is no. I feel like people are working to share how physical education is changing but I have yet to see something that is as informative as the resources for reading, writing and math. I have changed my course work this semester to health and am able to better incorporate certain strategies that are closely related to my students major content areas. This Edutopia article  is more on a school wide level, with information for any teacher to think about when transitioning students to a different type of instruction. The best take away for me was, 

"One of the key components of blended learning is to identify what is already working well in your classroom, and what might be better suited as digital content. Teachers need to know that by adding digital content, it doesn’t mean throwing out all the direct instruction in the classroom. Keep what is working well in a face-to-face mode, and add what could be more effective in a digital format. "
"Blended Learning: Making It Work in Your Classroom." Edutopia. N.p., 11 Sept. 2014. Web. 12 Feb. 2017.

I do feel my triggering question has been answered regrinds to integrated learning improving student learning.What I am still not so sure of is the need for everything to have a reason to be connected to some kind of technology.  


  1. I love that you're asking questions like "What do I do when it doesn't work?" Great trouble-shooting!

  2. I too find myself asking why we need to always stress the incorporation of technology at every turn. That said, I have health classes at both ends of these instructional ends, talk vs. technology. I choose to incorporate technology as a necessary evil of an ever increasingly connected digital society and stress the human element as much as possible. Much of the information fluency comes in the form of collaborative jigsaw learning.

  3. Erin! I completely agree with you that incorporating technology is so much easier in health than it is in PE. I really love your perspective coming from a Title 1 school as well because access to technology is not always realistic!

  4. Hey Erin!

    I loved your takeaway. Very understandable in regards to our content area of health and fitness.
